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15 Years of Service


It was a short 15 years ago when Eleanor and I looked for a fee based investment service to help us to grow our retirement dollars. After months of finding only financial sales people focused on commissions or large management firms for the wealthy... we realized there was a need for quality investment guidance, for the middle class.

As the age old saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention.” After finding a good mentor, intense studying, accumulating software and a new baby (Sophie), we were up and running, taking care of both our retirement dollars and that of our family and friends.

With time we were providing free education seminars in our community to share our financial knowledge with others. Our kindness was repaid with paying clients needing the same investment guidance that Eleanor and I started our journey seeking. We had become the solution for others...

Referrals started and the work load quickly became greater then anticipated, while Eleanor needed additional time to participate in Sophie’s schooling (how time flies by). This is when we brought on my good friend, Rob Starr, to lighten the workload.

Today we serve approximately 400 families worldwide, with over $100 million under management. As Sophie rounds the educational bases and is in the home stretch, I look forward to their return to the office together on regular basis (just like old times).

Going forward... we are structured to be a legacy firm in that we will be adding additional young staff to continue to serve others for generations to come.

Best Wishes... Mark Herhold

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